What cleaning supplies do you use?
We utilize a diverse range of cleaning supplies to ensure the highest quality of service. Should you require the use of a specific product not currently in our inventory, we kindly request that you either provide it or compensate us for the cost of acquisition. Given that our selection of products is continually evolving, we encourage you to inquire about the availability of any particular item.
Products we use:
Clorox Wipes
Clorox (Cleaner& Bleach)
Goo Gone (Kitchen Degreaser)
Power Paste (Powerful Natural Cleanser)
Fabric Febreze
Febreze Air Original
Windex Mirror Cleaner
Carpet Stain Remover
Mr. Clean All Purpose Cleaner
Materials we use;
Scotch Brite Everyday Clean Lint Roller
Reusable & Disposable Microfiber towelettes
Scrub Brushes
Microfiber Rags
Broom/Dust pan
Sweeper Mop
Bissell Steam Mop
Our commitment to excellence involves continuously exploring innovative solutions to enhance the cleaning services we provide to our clients. We diligently update our inventory with new products that demonstrate superior cleaning performance. Should you or your company prefer that a specific product not be used, please inform us. We are fully prepared to accommodate such requests and will ensure the product in question is excluded from our cleaning process.